Like communion, baptism is a symbol that shows we are being joined to the church and to Jesus Christ. It is a rite of initiation that says, “You belong and are now one of us.” When parents bring their children for baptism it is a sign of their commitment to raise their child in the church so that they will know about God from the very beginning of their lives. Parents interested in baptism will meet with the minister to review the basics of the Christian faith and plan the day of their child’s baptism.
Thanksgiving and Blessing
As an alternative to baptism, the Church of Scotland provides a service of Thanksgiving and Blessing. Some parents are unsure about Christianity but still feel a deep sense of gratitude for their child and want to mark the arrival with a service of recognition. Other parents prefer to wait on baptism and let their child decide for themselves later in life. The service of Thanksgiving and Blessing allows families to formally thank God for the life of their new child and receive the blessing of God’s care and love.